Still River Mill

Eastford, CT

Phone Number:  (860) 974-9918

Animal fiber cleaner, spinner and dyer located in Eastford, CT. “Still River Mill’s aim is to conform to organic wool processing practices and standards. This means using environmentally friendly, low impact, and organic detergents for scouring, organic processing oils, water soluble grease and oil to lubricate the machines, and using appropriate treatment of waste water. If you have certified organic wool or fiber for processing, we will keep those fibers separate to avoid any contamination with non-certified fibers.” Greener Shades dyes comply with the Organic Trade Association’s criteria for organic processing.

Capabilities: Washing, Dehairing/Separating, Carding, Top/Roving, Spinning, Blended Yarns, Fiber Dyeing, Yarn Dyeing

Fibers Processed: sheep, alpaca, llama, mohair, angora, pet, cashmere, bison, yak, qiviut

Minimum order size: 2 lbs.

Minimum / Maximum Staple: 2 – 8 in.