Maplewood Farm

Thompson, CT

Heather Laffin
396 West Thompson Road
Thompson, CT 06277

Social Media:

FB: @maplewoodfarm

IG: @maplewood_farmers

Maplewood Farm raises a spinner’s flock of long wool sheep breeds that includes Cotswold, Gotland, and natural colored Border Leicester. We keep an Icelandic ewe whose milk we use to make lotions and soaps. Our colorful herd of angora goats provide us with snuggles and smooches in addition to high luster mohair that we shear twice a year. The softest fiber on our farm is produced by dwarf angora rabbits called Jersey Woolies.

The farmer, Heather, is a certified teacher who runs an agriculture camp for youngsters through the month of July. Throughout the year, she can be found sharing her love of all things fiber – dyeing, spinning, knitting, shearing, felting, and much more! – with members of the community.